DenturePoint Clinic

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Tips from experienced denture wearers to newbies.

  • Be very patient. Don't expect too much too fast.

  • Very small bite at first so you dont choke.

  • It's ok to eat with them out if you prefer, and just wear them for looks.

  • Keep them in no matter how frustrating they get. Don't let them control you! You control them 1000%. And patience is key.

  • Keep them in your mouth! They don't belong on the counter, the more you wear them, the more you can't be without them. Not easy at first, very easy later!

  • Keep them in and push through the learning process or you’ll end up putting them in a drawer!

  • Wear them night and day for two weeks straight . Only take them out to clean them. They are something new and foreign to your mouth. So that will give you time to get use to them .

  • Be patient. Take small steps. I have had my dentures since the end of March and I can't hardly tell I have them in. I can eat!!!! It's all gonna work out.

  • I agree patience is needed. I also think having realistic expectations. I'm coming up to a year with an upper denture and it's been a bit of a roller coaster. Every time I'm having an issue I think back to the issues I had before I had my teeth out. It helps me to be grateful

  • That your new teeth are a prosthetic. And that anyone who uses prosthetics needs time before it looks and feels natural. You would not expect a person with a prosthetic leg to be able to run or dance well right away, so keep that in mind when you struggle with your new teeth. Be patient and kind to yourself!

  • Communicate with your provider. Everything you think and feel. Don't hold thing in or be afraid to speak up. Give yourself time to adjust. Find a support system. Love yourself !!

  • Keep them in no matter what when you first get them! Have someone there the first day or two so you can sleep SITTING UP. Ice ice ice your face all day. Ibuprofen is the best for inflammation and pain even over prescription pain meds. Sing your ABCs and 123s from day one until you can talk well. Have patience and NEVER GIVE UP. If you keep gOing through the roughest times you will be able to eat whatever you want

  • Also, if something is wrong speak up for yourself in the office no matter how hard it is! Do not let them let you walk out with an ill fitting denture or one that does not look good. Make sure you are happy with the fit and looks❤️

  • Be patient and persistent. Nobody would expect to run on a prosthetic leg within hours of wearing it fir the first time. Dentures are similar. There is a learning curve. Everyone travels it at their own pace.

  • It's ok to bother your dentist for adjustments

  • Be prepared as much as possible. I didn’t know what to expect and was not prepared for things such as plenty of broth. Soft foods. How to get medicine down. Be focused on this journey and determined.

  • Patience! It takes awhile to patient, each day will get a little better!

  • Trust yourself.

  • Smile! A lot!!!

  • Be patient, allow proper healing time, eat smaller portions and don't beat yourself up. I'm 5 months in with full upper, partial lower and I've been eating most of the time with them out, just recently started just going for it being positive and eating while I have them in and doing just fine.

  • Keep them in! Be patient and practice everything including smiling, whistling and spitting!

  • Getting dentures can be emotional at any age, be patient with yourself.

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